Every year our family does a garden.
Usually David does all the vegetables, and I grow the herbs and decorative flowers.
However, this year I decided to plant 3 gourd and squash seeds in my garden. I wanted something fun to grow on my fence. And I, like many other gardeners, love the satisfaction of getting to pick and eat something that I personally grew.
Every day Diesel, Sawyer, and I go outside and water the gardens (we have lots considering the small yard we have). Diesel loves looking for all the squash and different gourds that have started growing.
Finally a couple days ago, one of the squash/gourds were big enough to pick. It probably would've grown a lot bigger, but I knew Diesel was wanting to pick it very badly to show his daddy. So, I let him pick it. It's a pretty special squash/gourd. The reason why I keep slashing squash and gourd together is because it's both. You see, the squash and gourd plant cross-pollinated. So, it's both. Here's a picture:
As usual, before an important phone call, I quiz him on the things he's supposed to say. He wanted to call his daddy and tell him, so I began asking Diesel the necessary questions.
Mom: "What is that?"
Diesel: "It's a squash."
Mom: "Squash and gourd. What colors are in it?"
Diesel: "Yellow and green."
Mom: "Where did it come from?"
Diesel: "The garden."
Mom: "Who grew it?"
Diesel: "Jesus. Me and Jesus. We did it together."
I think he's understanding his Sunday school lessons.
absolutely precious!