Saturday, January 22, 2011

Goat Painting

I found this painting at a store in El Ghetto.  I'm thinking about getting it for David, but I don't know whether it would look appropriate in our house.  I can't decide whether I want to look at it for the rest of my life.  It SCREAMS "DAVID" though!


  1. I've been checking your blog all day and was so excited to see your link on FB! YaHoo!

    I LOVE the goat painting. Remember, you will - someday - be getting a bigger house and David will have his own territory (kinda of like his tool closet, only bigger). Definitely get it for him! It's a good looking goat and the artist seems to have captured a bit of goatish personality!

    I love you and miss you guys terribly! I'm so glad you have close family with you this weekend!


  2. I have this painting as well...I have no idea who the artist is but its one of my favorite things...
